Bartending Schools are the best source for learning to be a bartender. Attending a bartending school will teach you the techniques, skills, knowledge and confidence to interview and get hired as a bartender. They will assist you with job placement (they can't guarantee a job), refresher classes, how to set up a bartending resume, possibly bartending at a local restaurant on a certain night with your classmates as part of the course. You will learn the set up of a real bar although you will never find any bars that are set up the same way. The glassware will vary, the liquor, wine and beer will be different in the brands that are carried. Bars cannot physically or financially stock the thousands of brands that are on the market. You will learn customer service, the most popular drinks (a bartender only needs to learn a few dozen main drinks) as some are self-explanatory ... rum & coke, gin & tonic, vodka & cranberry (did they order a Cape Codder?), bar maintenance opening & closing procedures how to cut fruit garnishes, the difference between liquors and liqueurs, serving food at the bar (you get tips on the food too!), alcohol awareness, state and federal laws, etc. Bartending schools use a "real life" authentic bar set up with glassware, sinks, glassware, fruit, soda guns ... but sorry... don't expect to find real liquor! The bottles are real, but they're filled with water and food coloring to look real. Otherwise the school would have to have a liquor license, would have to charge thousands of dollars for tuition and couldn't teach underage (legal drinking age) students. The average tuition for a bartending course is between $300 and $500. The schedules are flexible over 1 to 2 weeks, including nights and weekends. Check out bartending school websites and visit the schools in your area to see the school, some classes in session and what they offer. They usually can offer a payment plan before or during the course. Remember, the tuition price of the course can be made back quite rapidly after getting hired as a bartender...... making the course worthwhile!